Flo.Ren  shall make available his expertise and experience to offer you several services turned to the energy optimization to obtain cost saving.

Starting from services focused on renewable energy plants, Flo.Ren’s team offers services in the energy area for companies that aim to optimize consumption and costs, without overlooking the health and safety of workers.

Flo.Ren offers services not only for improving performance, but also for document check and practice execution with the main actors involved in the energy and real estate area, namely GSE and the network operators (Enel, Acea, Hera, etc…)

Depending on your needs, you will be able to orient yourself to the tailored service made for you. floren

Energy Audit

We perform technical and documentary check-ups to propose optimization actions for your energy consumption

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Health and Safety of workers

We take care of all aspects of health and safety of workers and fire safety, of the document contractors management, and of the DUVRI editing

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Optimizing business costs

We offer you company optimization drafts, by a cost-benefit analysis in line with your needs

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Asset Management

RE Plants

We will greatly increase the performance of your energy plant to ensure you the best results!

Call us for a free check-up!

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Real Estate Check-up

We analyze the necessary documentation to define the current state of real estate assets, which is a prerequisite for optimizing costs

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Energy Services

We check all the energy aspects of your business by providing technical and contractual improvements to optimize your energy consumption

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Brokerage and trading of RE plants

We allow the meeting between demand and supply, and we perform Due Diligence to clarify better the documentation situation and the operation of the energy plant.

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Calibration service

Thanks to our partnership with certified companies, we offer calibration services at competitive prices.

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